Wireless Telemarketing and The TCPA: Learn The Facts

Unsolicited telemarketing to wireless devices is an issue we run into often here at Sweeney Law. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) lays out strict rules for the lawful conduct of telemarketers, yet many companies and organizations are finding ways to confuse consumers. Whether you’re a consumer or running a business, we want you to know the facts so you can protect your rights.
They’re making it up!
Many complaints we receive come from telemarketing consumers who have been sent emails from companies that claim the consumer is automatically signed up for a wireless or mobile 411 directory along with their email subscription. To stop receiving telemarketing messages companies claim that the consumer will have to register with a separate Do-Not-Call “call phone registry.”
This is false information.
The TCPA outlines that without expressed written consent, no telemarketer can contact a consumer’s mobile device. As for the claim of a separate Do-Not-Call “cell phone registry,” no such system currently exists. There is a singular Do-Not-Call registry which is regulated by the federal government. This registry accepts mobile phone numbers as well as landlines.
Where can you register and what does a spot in the Do-Not-Call registry entail?
To register your home phone OR your mobile device, you can follow the link below to the national Do-Not-Call registry. When you sign up with the Do-Not-Call registry, you do not have to re-register at any time, and you do not have to comply with a deadline. The registry always has open enrollment and will only remove your number if you discontinue your telephone service or if you cancel your registration.
The National Do-Not-Call Registry
If You Wish To Seek Legal Aid – Call Sweeney Law
If you have received unsolicited telemarketing calls to your mobile device and wish you seek legal representation or compensation, please call us at (954)-951-8728 or visit our website.