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OSHA Enforcement and Florida State Construction Safety Laws


Construction is one of the most dangerous occupations.  Workers are faced with daily dangers that cover a wide range of hazards including danger associated with falling items, falls, electricity, equipment, among many other hazards that are present on construction sites.   The law that governs construction site safety in the United States are the federal regulations administered by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration).

Worker Safety Regulated by OSHA

Although the laws administered by OSHA is federal in nature, it is applicable to the states and its locales by function.  Specifically, OSHA requires that employers provide their employees with working conditions that are free from hazards. The law sets out best practices and provides guidance on how to manage different types of hazards.  For example, the OSHA regulations have evolved into administrative materials that are used to train workers on the varying hazards on construction sites. Further, the enforcement arm of the OHSA agency conducts inspections and inquiries into the compliance of many construction sites that may or may not be at risk of noncompliance.

Worker Safety Regulated by Florida

Florida’s OSHA (the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration) equivalent is called the Occupational Health and Safety Program (OSHP).  This agency is managed by the Florida Department of Health.  The agency focuses on setting and enforcing health and safety guidelines to the employers of the state of Florida.  Given the inherent dangers associated with the construction industry construction, its employers receive a large volume of communication from the regulators at  OSHP.  The agency looks into causes of work-related injuries, illness, and death and seeks to reduce those risks.  The risks OSHP is interested in can be mechanical, biological and chemical in nature. Contractors must ensure that their project site is in direct compliance with OSHP and OSHA regulations to ensure the safety of workers and other associated with the project.

OSHA’s Involvement in State Safety Activities

In April 2019, OSHA formed an alliance with the Florida Safety Alliance to raise awareness about hazards that are associated with the construction industry.  The alliance focuses on critical areas including falls, electrical, struck-by, and caught-in/between hazards.  The listed hazards are of the more fatal types. The agreement permits the participants to promote workplace safety and health as well addressing how best to inform workers of their rights.  The alliance program aims to build a symbiotic relationship with the various groups in Florida that are committed to worker safety.

Contact an Attorney Today for Help

Sweeney Law, P.A. is well-equipped to ensure your compliance with OSHA and state safety regulations. Compliance will decrease your liabilities and exposure to potential litigation. Fort Lauderdale construction attorney Brendan Sweeney is highly experienced in the processes and will guide you with knowledge and expertise.  Contact us now for a consultation.




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