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Don’t Forget These Important Corporate Policies


It seems like every day, someone else is telling you that something about your business has to be put in writing. When it comes to policies and procedures, it seems like there’s an almost unending list of possible things that you could and should have in writing.

Policies and procedures, although they may seem like a lot of trouble, can keep you out of legal problems down the road. They create a roadmap for what is expected from your employees, and, if needed, they show a court that your business operates legally.

Although a complete list of everything you should have in writing would be nearly impossible to put together, there are some things that all businesses should consider having in writing. These are some of the more important—and in some cases, most forgotten policies

Harassment/Complaint Policies – a written policy telling employees how they make complaints about harassment, is vital to keeping your company out of legal trouble. It shows that you care about employee safety, and that you have a safe, confidential avenue where employees are free to complain about harassment or harassing environments.

This actually can avoid discrimination and harassment suits. It puts the onus on employees to make complaints through the proper channels–and makes sure you find out about when harassment may be occurring at your business.

Work From Home Policies – If you have employees who will work from home, what equipment will they use? How will they be protecting confidential and sensitive business, or client data? When will they be considered “working” as opposed to not working? What state’s law will apply, in the event your at-home workers are working from a different state?

IT/IT Use Policies – These policies should make clear what devices your employees should use, what security should be on those devices, when and if management can check those devices, and what personal business—if any—can be done on company-issued or owned devices. This includes a list of restricted sites, activities, or websites, as well as permission to track employee usage of company technology.

COVID/Protective Gear Policies – Florida law generally makes you immune from being sued for spreading COVID—so long as you are following accepted safety protocols. A written policy that details what policies you will use, can go a long way to showing that you take COVID safety seriously.

Emergencies – What happens in an emergency that prevents employees from going to the office to do their job? Will there be a policy for employees to check in? Who will make emergency decisions for the company? There may be duties that employees may have to handle from home-what duties are they, and who will do them?

Travel – It should be clear to employees what kind of travel needs pre-approval from you, as well as other things, like spending caps, and clarification of when someone is considered to be “on the job” and when they are not.

Have a question about your company’s policies or procedures? Call our Fort Lauderdale business lawyers at Sweeney Law P.A. at 954 440-3993 for help.




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