Category Archives: Consumer Protection

So You Bought a Lemon
What is a Lemon? A lemon is a new vehicle that possesses manufacturing defects. The defects are usually found to affect the value, safety and purpose of the vehicle. As such, a vehicle that possesses irredeemable issues with one or various parts qualifies as a lemon. Realistically, more than 1% of vehicles sold yearly… Read More »

Four Things You Need to Know About the Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA)
FCCPA Builds Upon Federal Legislation The Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act establishes legal protections to eliminate deceptive and abusive debt collection practices. The Act covers practices by both debtors and creditors. FCCPA supplements the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which provides the same protections under federal law. FCCPA adds additional protections for consumers conducting… Read More »