Category Archives: Business Law

Fort Lauderdale Learns That Construction Defects Can Happen to Anyone
When we think of construction projects that go wrong, or botched construction jobs, we perhaps think of smaller projects. Surely, a multi million government construction project wouldn’t go too far astray, with all the money at stake, and all the oversight that is involved in government construction contracts. Well, think again: things can and… Read More »

Legal Issues When Employees Use Devices to Conduct Company Business
We live in a mobile age, and if you have employees, there is no doubt that they may or could do some company business, on their personal devices, or on devices that are owned by and issued by your business. But anytime there are devices involved in or are doing company business, no matter… Read More »

How and When are Bridge and Construction Loans Used?
Let’s say that you see a great piece of land or a building and you want to buy it. The problem is the property you own now has to be sold first, for you to have the funds to buy the new property, and there is no timetable on when your current property may… Read More »

When and How is Contractual Reformation Used?
As a general rule, courts want to enforce your contractual agreements—not rewrite them for you, or interpret what you meant when you write something inaccurate or incorrect in a contract. But the law also recognizes that mistakes happen, particularly when writing contracts, and sometimes, those mistakes need correcting. What Did the Parties Mean? It… Read More »

Protect Your Business From Working With Unknown Shareholders or Owners
Sometimes we go into business by ourselves. But other times, we start, own, and manage a business, with other people. Whether they are partners in the business, managers in an LLC, shareholders, or other management and ownership partners, there are a multitude of corporate entities that people use to start businesses, that include others…. Read More »

How You Could Get Sued by the Government – And What to Do About It
If you have a business, you probably spend a lot of time and money worrying about and trying to avoid getting sued, whether by customers, employees, contractors or other businesses. But one thing that many businesses forget about is the government. Government agencies can, and do, come after businesses, for a number of reasons…. Read More »

You Received a Demand Letter-Now What Do You Do?
Often, before someone just files a lawsuit, they will let you know, and give you the chance to resolve that suit, before anything is filed in court. Or, because of language in the law, or language in a contract, they may be legally obligated to send you notice that they intend to file a… Read More »

Talk to a Business Attorney Before Making that Estate Plan
Creating a will, trust or other documents to make up an estate plan is always a good idea. But one mistake that many business owners make when creating an estate plan is making the estate plan without consulting their business attorney. If you do own a business, both your estate attorney and your business… Read More »

Limiting Contractual Liability The Right Way
Lets say that you are entering into a business contract and you are a bit concerned about your liability under the contractual agreement. You could just include language in the contract that says that you cannot be sued if you do something wrong—sometimes called a hold harmless agreement. But is that legal? Would that… Read More »

What are ADA Testers and Do They Have Standing?
You may already know of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), as a law that protects people at work, and which requires that reasonable accommodations be made in the workplace in order to accommodate those with disabilities. But even outside of the employee employer relationship, the ADA has strict requirements on buildings and constriction,… Read More »