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Adhesion Contracts: Be Careful of “Take it Or Leave It”

By Sweeney Law, PA |

If you have a business, you need some certainty in the operation of your business, and in your legal relationship with your vendors, contractors or consumers. When your business has contracts, and all the contracts relate to the same product or service, it can be beneficial that each contract is exactly the same. For… Read More »

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Don’t Get Into Trouble For Not Paying Employees

By Sweeney Law, PA |

If you have a business, you probably already know that you have to pay your employees for any time that they actually work. In fact, most businesses would never think of violating this very common sense idea. But trouble often occurs accidentally, because in many cases, businesses don’t know what is actually considered “working”… Read More »

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Promises To Leave Property In Wills Or At Death: Are These Binding Contracts?

By Sweeney Law, PA |

Imagine you perform work or a service for someone. That someone doesn’t have money to pay you, but they do promise that they will leave you a part of their property upon death or include you in a will or other estate document. They pass away, but to your surprise, they didn’t follow through… Read More »

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Which Is Better: Negotiating With Creditors Or Filing For Bankruptcy?

By Sweeney Law, PA |

It happens to the best of us: Your business is struggling, and you may be considering a bankruptcy. But is that the best option for a business that is having a hard time paying debts? Couldn’t you just negotiate your way out of debt? Negotiation May Help It should go without saying that it… Read More »

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When Can You Protect Customer Lists From Being Stolen?

By Sweeney Law, PA |

Over the years, your business has accumulated a lot of customers, and names of potential customers. You have a list compiled through business contacts or networking, that you can network to, market to, and email information to. You have worked hard, over the years, for this list of contacts. But can you protect those… Read More »

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What Should You Include In Your Shareholders Agreements?

By Sweeney Law, PA |

If you are looking for people to buy shares in your business, and thus, invest in it, those investors are going to want to know what their rights are. Specifically, they are not going to give you money or take shares in your company without a shareholders agreement. But what is in a shareholders… Read More »

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Watch For Clawback Lawsuits

By Sweeney Law, PA |

If your business is doing well, the last thing on your mind may be bankruptcy, or ending up in bankruptcy court. So how is it that you are being sued by a bankruptcy trustee in bankruptcy court? Yes, you can end up in bankruptcy court, even if you’re not actually in bankruptcy. Here’s how,… Read More »

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Collecting Debt? Don’t Get Sued

By Sweeney Law, PA |

If you are a company that lends credit or money to consumers, or which performs services for consumers and then collects on the money later, you may find yourself in the business of collecting debt from those consumers. The difficult thing is that we go into business to work in our chosen fields—not to… Read More »

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Even Small Companies Can Violate Antitrust Laws

By Sweeney Law, PA |

Antitrust laws seem like laws that only large, multinational companies violate. But if you’re not careful, your business can run afoul of these laws as well. Honest Business? What makes antitrust laws so dangerous, and so easy for small businesses to violate, is that they seem like they are prohibiting what would otherwise sound… Read More »

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“Standard” Contract Provisions That Could Haunt You If You’re Not Careful

By Sweeney Law, PA |

We sign contracts all the time in business—so many, that there are a number of sections in our contracts that we see so often, we refer to them as “boilerplate” provisions. They are common, similar, and often tacked onto every contract that you sign. But some aren’t so harmless, and can cause you real… Read More »

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